Jeff Poydras (252.65 Miles) 1050 Connecticut Avenue N.W. .. |
Reginald E Gordon (252.99 Miles) 430 17th Street N.W. .. |
Edward L Wolf (252.99 Miles) 430 17th Street N.W. .. |
Marie S Dennis (253.49 Miles) 2900 K Street NW .. |
Timothy G Buxton (254.07 Miles) 172 Luke Ave Ste 104 .. |
Bryan E Sharratt (254.70 Miles) 1660 Pentagon .. |
Joseph A. III Blumel (2,194.21 Miles) 900 Northtown Office Building .. |
F. Andersen (2,194.72 Miles) 1020 North Washington Street .. |
Michael J Clinton (2,194.81 Miles) Suite 110 .. |
L. Neil Axtell (2,195.09 Miles) 925 West Montgomery Avenue .. |
Finding an Injury Lawyer in Washington
An injury lawyer usually focuses on personal injury cases and malpractice litigation. This type of law is usually immensely complex and almost always requires in-depth analysis and research surrounding the time and location of the incident. An WA injury lawyer must closely work with the client and determine if there is sufficient proof for a liability, and he or she must also consider limitation periods. Most states, including the state of Washington, have strict limitations that conclude an individual must file suit within two years of the incident. There are exceptions to the limitations, though.
The first step to finding an injury in the state of Washington includes your own personal research. You may have time restraints to work with, but the rights resources can save you time. First, do you know anyone who went to court with a similar claim? If so, they may be able to refer you to an efficient and well regarded WA injury lawyer.
You can also use this site to find Washington injury lawyers. You can ask free questions and have them answered by an injury attorney in WA. You can also search for injury laws in the “search tab” at the top of the screen, and you can find information on WA by clicking “find an attorney” and browse the state.
Washington Injury Lawyer : Associations and Credibility
Most WA injury lawyers list their services over television, in newspapers, or over the internet. However, one of the biggest clues to finding an established and renowned lawyer involves looking into what associations and organizations they belong to in the state of WA. There are numerous legal associations in Washington, but some to look out for include:
• The Washington State Association for Justice
• The Washington State Society of Healthcare Attorneys (WSSHA)
• The Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
• The Washington State Bar Association (WSBA)
Your attorney may belong to a different association or organization in WA, but the above associations validate a lawyers credibility, professionalism, and standing the in the surrounding community and/or state.
Some Washington injury lawyers will advertise recent and past injury cases. They usually advertize such information as to include the specific type of case and the amount of money accrued in the settlement. They may also showcase certain cases that made a big difference such as wrongful death cases, and in some cases the name of the person is even released in order to provide the public with a jumpstart to personal research.
One website that releases names of important cases and names of the plaintiff is the Washington State Association for Justice. They are committed to representing individuals who have been harmed through the act of negligence or misconduct.
Questions for Injury Lawyers in Washington
You should be prepared to ask your Washington injury lawyer a wide variety of questions. Again, personal injury cases are almost always complex and last for a long period of time, so you want to be prepared. These questions will also help you in determining whether he or she is the right WA injury lawyer for you.
Questions About the Washington Injury Lawyer
1) Do you offer a free consultation?
• Most injury Washington injury lawyer will offer you a free consultation if you ask
2) How long have you been practicing for this firm?
3) During the pre-trial investigations, will I be able to talk directly with you or will I be consulting with your paralegal?
• The best WA injury lawyers will develop a personal understanding of your case and will usually take time to personally meet with you and go over the details of the case.
4) Do you mainly practice in personal injury?
5) Do you have professional liability insurance in the state of Washington?
6) How will the attorney fees be handled?
• You should try your best to have your Washington injury lawyer offer the chance to pay a contingency fee. Since personal injury cases can last a long time, an hourly rate may become very expensive. Also, a contingency fee promotes the lawyer to win the case because he or she won’t receive their percentage of the compensation until the case is settled. The average rate of contingency varies in WA, so you may want to discuss rates of the fee.
7) Will I be in charge of handling court costs if I lose the case?
Questions about the Case
1) What forms do I need to obtain for this case? How quickly do I need to obtain these forms?
2) What claims and forms need to be sent to insurance companies and how quickly do I need to send in these forms?
3) What information do I need regarding the time and date of the incident?
4) Do I need witnesses on my behalf?
Washington Injury Claims Dealing with Pets
The state of Washington has strict laws on pets, leases, and dangerous animals. If you have been injured by a dangerous pet, you should consider talking with a personal injury lawyer in WA. The state puts very strict liability on the owner if their animal attacks, bites, or harms another citizen. You’ll want to research WA statutes and laws, but the following are specific laws directed toward liability:
• Citation WA ST 16.08.010-WA ST 16.08.100 specifically mandates that an owner must take full liability for their pet’s action in the private AND public sphere. The victim is usually entitled to full compensation for damages and/or injuries
• WA ST 16.08.070 and WA ST 16.08.090 provide the definitions for dangerous pets and animals. The second law also sets down a strict procedure to secure and house a dangerous pet.