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Denise Camera-Gaug

Denise Camera-Gaug (4.39 Miles)

30 Mystic St
Arlington, MA 02174-115

Divorce Lawyer
(781) 727-3171
Adam Kretowicz

Adam Kretowicz (8.00 Miles)

110 Cedar Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-352

Divorce Lawyer
(781) 591-2949
Ann E Behravesh

Ann E Behravesh (9.06 Miles)

One Militia Drive
Lexington, MA 02173-470

Divorce Lawyer
(781) 861-6225
Daniel Dalton

Daniel Dalton (20.56 Miles)

9 Fletcher Street
Chelmsford, MA 1824

Divorce Lawyer
(978) 851-2444
David W Sayward

David W Sayward (29.52 Miles)

220 Main Street
Salem, NH 03079-316

Divorce Lawyer
(603) 898-9776
399 item(s) 1/40  1  2   3   4   5  > >>

Guide to Finding Divorce Lawyer


Filing For Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody and Alimony.
Finding a Divorce Lawyer:
If you are going through a dissolution of marriage, you will need to hire a divorce lawyer. These legal professionals are adept in processing claims, streamlining the divorce proceeding and finding an equitable balance between your settlement and your emotions. To find a divorce lawyer you want to utilize all resources. The Internet (performing Google searches for the best divorce lawyers in your area) and word of mouth advice is an effective way to find and subsequently evaluate family divorce lawyers. Aside from performing Internet searches for lawyers for divorce in your area, you can also ask your friends or family—assuming they have been involved in divorce—for advice on the selection process. To find a divorce lawyer you have to be efficient and placid—do not let your emotions get the best of you during this crucial time.

Evaluating Divorce Lawyers:
Finding top divorce lawyer will depend on your situation; variables (children involved, the amount of money or possessions at stake, and the reason for divorce) in a divorce case will necessitate the hiring of a specialized divorce lawyer attorney. When you find divorce lawyers in your area, immediately schedule appointments to interview them. A number of divorce law lawyers will offer free consultations; these preliminary meetings will enable you to assess your prospective divorce lawyer attorney as it pertains to your specific situation. Because dissolution of marriage is so common, there is great deal of specificity in the field. For instance, a divorce lawyer for men is a legal professional who specializes in the filing for the husband, while Christian divorce lawyers are more apt at filing annulments or dissolutions that adhere to a Christian’s religious beliefs.

What do I ask a Divorce Lawyer?
When you find divorce lawyers in your area, immediately schedule appointments to interview them. A number of divorce law lawyers will offer free consultations; these preliminary meetings will enable you to assess your prospective divorce lawyer attorney as it pertains to your specific situation. It must be understood that the questions to ask a divorce lawyer will vary depending on your circumstance. That being said, there are generic questions, mostly concerning fees and the individual’s level of experience that you must ask a divorce lawyer. The majority of divorce law lawyers are hired to split a couple’s assets. Because of this need, you must ask a divorce lawyer a number of questions concerning your property, your income, your children (if applicable) and your savings.

The following list represents the starting point with regards to questions to ask a divorce lawyer:
• Is our divorce being filed in a community property state?
• Do you have experience in filing a divorce claim similar to this?
• Do you have experience dealing with child custody matters?
• What are the tax consequences of this division of assets?
• Do I need an appraiser when my ex and I can’t agree on the value of an asset?
• If we own property in another state, which state’s property laws apply to our divorce?
• What records do I need to prove that assets or property that my wife claims is actually my separate property?
• Would hiring divorce mediation lawyers be more efficient for my case?
• Can I engage in a divorce without lawyers?

What are Mediation Divorce Lawyers?
Mediation is the informal process where you and your soon-to-be ex meet with mediation divorce lawyers (neutral third parties) to negotiate an agreement on your divorce filing. Mediation divorce lawyers will draw-up settlement plans to divide a couple’s property, custody, alimony and other assets that the couple shared. Mediation divorce lawyers are typically less expensive than typical divorce law lawyers or family divorce lawyers. This statement is not absolute; however, and will depend on the individual divorce lawyer attorney.
Some mediation settlement will process a divorce without lawyers; however, it is suggested that you hire mediation divorce lawyers if you are attempting to reach a settlement. A filing for divorce without lawyers is a rare occurrence and is only suggested if the filing is 100% mutual and seamless. In addition to mediation divorce lawyers, there are a number of divorce law lawyers that specialize in specific situations associated with a dissolution of marriage.

Specialized Divorce Lawyers:
Because divorces are so common, there are a number of divorce law lawyers who specialize in specific circumstances that surround a filing. For instance, the divorce lawyer for men (a group of divorce lawyers DC) concentrates on claims solely for men. A divorce lawyer for men will therefore specialize their offerings for the husband involved in a divorce filing. Christian divorce lawyers are also available for individuals whose religious beliefs curtail the filing for divorce. Christian divorce lawyers are well-versed in the annulment filings and are sympathetic to religious beliefs concerning divorce.
In addition to divorce lawyers for men and Christian Divorce Lawyers, military divorce lawyers are made available for service men and women. Military service creates a unique set of issues concerning divorce, because certain regulations apply in military divorces that are different from generic dissolution of marriage. For instance, all service men and women must comply with military rules and regulations when filing for divorce, as well as, obtain service upon an active duty spouse. Because of these differences, military divorce lawyers are required for any enlisted service man or woman who seeks divorce.
Military divorce lawyers are needed in divorce filings between service men and women not only because of the aforementioned adherence issues, but also as a result of the individual’s military pensions. Dissolution of marriage between service men and women necessitates the division of pension benefits. The regulations and intricacies surrounding military pensions will necessitate the hiring of a military divorce lawyer. A specialized lawyer for divorce, similar to all divorce law lawyers, is expensive; the fees associated with legal help will often be extravagant. That being said, the federal government mandates the availability of cheap divorce lawyers for those that qualify.

What is a Pro Bono Divorce Lawyer?
Pro Bono is a Latin phrase used to describe professional work that is undertaken in a voluntary setting—the professional will not charge the client for services rendered. Pro Bono work is commonly practiced in the legal profession; prospective clients who cannot afford exorbitant court costs or attorney fees will be awarded a pro bono lawyer.
If you are going through a divorce, a Pro Bono Divorce Lawyer is a prudent option if you cannot afford the contingency or retainer fees charged by other divorce lawyers. A Pro Bono Divorce Lawyer will provide the same services as paid legal help; a Pro Bono Divorce Lawyer will initiate the divorce process and do his or her best to ensure that your settlement is fair. Legal professionals in the United States are recommended to contribute at least fifty hours of pro bono work per year. For individuals with low incomes, a Pro Bono Divorce Lawyer is the most sensible route.
State Bar Associations implement pro bono programs, which are staffed by pro bono lawyers (such as pro bono divorce lawyers) to provide free legal aid to eligible clients. You can qualify for these pro bono divorce lawyers if you meet the program’s income requirements, are an abused spouse or are above a certain age limit.

How do I find Pro Bono Divorce Lawyers?
If you are looking for a cheap divorce lawyer who is effective in litigation, it is suggested that you utilize your state’s BAR Association Website. The American Bar Association will list all Pro Bono Divorce Lawyers by state; this resource enables you to select a cheap divorce lawyer in your area. All cheap divorce lawyers listed on a state’s Bar Association website will not only offer pro bono services, but will be, as reflected in their listing, professionally licensed. Do not assume that price correlates to effectiveness; pro bono divorce lawyers are required to offer free service for a designated number of hours as determined by the state in which they practice. In addition to your state’s Bar Association, cheap divorce lawyers may be found by contacting various federally funded programs.
Federal grants fund national networks of legal service offices which provide cheap divorce lawyers in cases to low-income people. These cheap divorce lawyers will help all the intricacies surrounding your divorce case; a cheap divorce lawyer will also be knowledgeable as it pertains to non-legal resources aligned with your case, including temporary shelters, housing units, domestic violence shelters and food banks.

Occasionally some law firms and lawyers will take cases “pro bono.” Pro bono divorce lawyers typically take these cases as a community service, on a very limited basis. These free divorce lawyers will make services available for spouses that suffer in abusive or exploitive relationships. Consider if you may be eligible for a pro bono divorce lawyer. Remember that pro bono services are limited and need-based so you must be able to prove your need and make a compelling case for this service. When seeking a pro bono divorce lawyer, be sure to state your needs effectively and demonstrate that you cannot pay for a lawyer under normal circumstances.

Keep in mind that not all law firms will have free divorce lawyer services and some will only offer these services at limited times of the year. Before the meeting with a free divorce lawyer to make your case for pro bono services, bring police reports, medical records and other evidence that demonstrate you are in an abusive or exploitive marriage. Only then can the pro bono lawyer make the best judgment for free or low cost services. Even if you do not qualify for a pro bono lawyer, many divorce law firms will be willing to work out low cost or long term payment plans to suit the needs of the client. Lastly, seek a free divorce lawyer only if you have a true need for one as there are many who cannot afford lawyers who desperately need pro bono legal aid.

Life in the military can be stressful on some marriages and indeed the divorce rate for service members has increased recently, leading to the need for more and more military divorce lawyers. Servicewomen get divorced at a much higher rate than men. Special provisions exist in military divorce law, including the potential to delay the proceedings until the end of the service member’s deployment, plus sixty days. This does not mean however, that the service member has to agree to the delay. The service member may hire a military divorce lawyer to deal with the proceedings immediately and file the relevant paperwork to either continue or halt the proceedings.

A military spouse can claim an increasing amount of a service member’s pension the longer that spouse remains married to the service member. For that reason, some specialized military divorce lawyers provide services to expedite and manage military divorce cases while the service member is deployed. The military lawyer will inform the court of your deployment and take steps to remedy the situation. You may choose to press ahead with the civil matter now or exercise the right of active duty members to delay proceedings. Finding a local military divorce lawyer is especially important as some states may allow the spouse to claim offset portions of the service member’s benefits, even if the couple has not reached ten years of marriage. Military divorce lawyers will have knowledge of these local and state laws and will be able to inform you thusly of your options.

A divorce without a lawyer, also known as a Pro Se divorce, is a type of uncontested divorce that can potentially save the divorcing couples a significant amount of money on lawyer fees. Lawyers are common in divorce proceedings, but certainly not mandatory. Individuals engaging in divorce without a lawyer, represent themselves in court, which means that it would behoove them to seek out a lawyer anyway to check the paperwork and discuss a strategy for the court hearing.

When pursuing a divorce without a lawyer, you will need to fill out the divorce forms and sign them in front of a Notary Public. You will then need to submit the divorce papers to the Clerk of the District Court and pay the filing fee. Your spouse will be given a chance to respond to the petition for divorce but generally, in this process, couples agreeing to pursue divorce without a lawyer have already agreed to acceptable terms to end their marriage. A divorce without a lawyer is very easy with only county and notary fees necessary to the process.

Men filing for divorce often complain that the system is biased against men and in favor of women in terms of alimony, custody and property division. Specialized divorce lawyers for men have significant experience in the legal system and are able to achieve more results that are favorable for men. A divorce lawyer for men is able to reduce alimony payments by showing the wife either has no need for such large payments or that the payments are inconsistent with the lifestyle the couple had prior to the divorce. Additional techniques that divorce lawyers for men use include conditional alimony that must be set aside for the education and welfare of the children. A man may hire a divorce lawyer for men to ensure that his alimony is not spent wastefully and goes to the children that he may or may not have retained custody over.

While the inherent fairness or lack of fairness in divorce proceedings is a matter of opinion, many men will feel more comfortable with a divorce lawyer for men. Divorce lawyers for men stake their reputation on being strong advocates for their clients and use a number of techniques designed to prevent women from reaping the full benefits of favorable divorce settlements.

It is important to have a number of questions to ask a divorce lawyer. These questions to ask a divorce lawyer include relevant fees involved in the process, the nature of those fees and fees designated for the preparation of legal documents. Ask a divorce lawyer about his record of success and his personal strategy for obtaining a favorable divorce settlement. Remember that large parts of divorce law are subjective, so ask a divorce lawyer about his or her strategy and how it will relate to your case.

Other questions to ask a divorce lawyer include that lawyer’s personal qualifications. Ask a divorce lawyer about his credentials, professional organization membership and relationships. When evaluating if the attorney is right for you, ask a divorce lawyer about how you will be able to contact him and the degree to which he will be involved with your case. If the lawyer intends to play little to no role in the settlement and possible litigation, then you should ask other divorce lawyers questions to find a suitable match.

Couples that wish to avoid a potentially messy divorce litigation case can opt for a divorce mediation lawyer. Divorce mediation lawyers work on an alternative dispute resolution scheme that divides custody rights, property assets and balance of payments on mutually acceptable terms. In a mediation case, the divorce mediation lawyer meets with the clients either separately or together to attempt to find an amicable solution. This will involve taking note of the spouse’s needs and also recommending remedial action such as spousal support. Only one divorce mediation lawyer is needed in this situation.

Most regular divorce lawyers offer divorce mediation services for a flat fee, which can save the parties money and help to control the costs of divorce. Contested divorces with retainers end up costing clients significantly more than they expected to pay, due to excessive billing of the length nature of contentious divorce trials. Couples with children that want to avoid their divorce becoming public record or harming the welfare of the children will go for this private approach with a divorce mediation lawyer. Discuss with your spouse the merits of divorce mediation lawyers and the potential benefits of a mutual divorce. In states with no fault divorce law, a divorce mediation lawyer is exceptionally helpful at ending a marriage with a binding agreement.

During a divorce, alimony is determined with consideration to the duration of the marriage, earning capacities of the parties, standard of living prior to divorce and potential for future earnings. For a spouse seeking spousal support, divorce lawyers for women will be able to fight on your behalf, in court, to adjust the balance of payments accordingly. The divorce lawyers for women in this case will use the aforementioned considerations for the earning potential of the other spouse to obtain the best possible spousal support. Most divorce lawyers for women will offer free consultations, so individuals in court are strongly urged to consider hiring an attorney. Women in divorce proceedings may find the services of a divorce lawyers for women reassuring as a dedicated advocate that has specialized experience in the issues and concerns she might have over the proceedings.

For some, the idea of divorce may be against religious dogma or personal beliefs. Still, when the failure of a marriage becomes inevitable, a Christian divorce lawyer can be a solution for those that feel there is a moral wrong in divorce. Typically, Christian divorce lawyers avoid litigation, instead opting for alternative dispute resolution, such as arbitration and mediation. Although the idea of a Christian divorce lawyer is subjective, generally speaking, clients will find comfort in Christian divorce lawyers that are sensitive to their personal beliefs and moral objection to divorce. When considering the services of a Christian divorce lawyer, be skeptical as many less than reputable organizations will use the “Christian” label to manipulate and mask moral and legal shortcomings and gain the trust of clients. If you feel that actions taken by a Christian divorce lawyer are illegal or immoral, then you should consider another lawyer. In these sensitive situations, it is important that the couple or client trust their lawyer and are willing to accept the results of the arbitration or mediation. Remember that arbitration, regardless of the service provider, is legally binding. Mediation on the other hand is not binding, but the Christian divorce lawyer can help facilitate that process.

For those seeking divorce lawyers in DC, the District of Columbia Bar maintains a directory of all lawyers that have admission to the Bar. As the Bar in DC is unified, all divorce lawyers in DC will be featured there. Although you may want to opt for a general family lawyer, some divorce lawyers in DC are specialized and even offer flat rate services. As divorce lawyers in DC typically deal with high profile and wealthy clients, their services may be above the reach of most families. Still, some of these top divorce lawyers in DC will be able to refer you to a partner that can handle your case. Sanford K. Aim, ranked the divorce lawyer in DC in 2006 charges $550 an hour and is licensed in Virginia and Maryland, in addition to DC.

Divorce is made more difficult by the presence of children. Custody and child support payments will become an issue, which is why there is a need for family divorce lawyers. Family divorce lawyers are especially experienced in handling custody and payments. When consulting a family divorce lawyer, be sure to note your objectives in regards to custody. From there, a family divorce lawyer can help you build a case to contest custody, or at the very least, ensure that the spousal payments go in part or full to the welfare of the child. In the event that the case proceeds past settlement and into litigation, the client needs to be aware of the family divorce lawyer retainer fees, which may continuously add up, to the detriment of the client. You should get all fees disclosed in writing from family divorce lawyers so that you may best budget for long term legal expenses.

When seeking divorce lawyer advice, it is best to speak with a free consultation divorce lawyer. Not all consultations are free, so a free consultation divorce lawyer, under which there is no obligation can help you make the best decision on your legal options. You should seek divorce lawyer advice in complicated divorce cases involving custody, bad faith or contentious claims. Some free consultation divorce lawyer with only offer the free service through phone or email and will charge for in-person consultations. The divorce lawyer will usually make this clear in advertisements and directory information. Use your best judgment in seeking divorce lawyer advice and it is best to get an array of opinions so you know your options. Among the matters you should get divorce lawyer advice are opinions on custody, alimony and local and state laws determining rights for divorcing couples.

For divorcing couples, there is often the temptation to find a cheap divorce lawyer. While lawyers that work pro bono on divorce cases are rare, you may be able to find a cheap divorce lawyer by closely analyzing fees and determining the quickest way to resolve the divorce. Longer divorces will be more expensive due to court fees and the cost of continuously keeping the cheap divorce lawyer on retainers. Cheap divorce lawyers will offer deferred or alternative payment plans to help clients that demonstrate economic need for low cost services.

Cheap divorce lawyers may eschew traditional hourly and retainer agreements and instead adopt a blended fee arrangement. In a blended fee arrangement, the cheap divorce lawyer will charge flat fees for services, such as filing the paperwork to initiate a divorce and charge another fee, such as a contingency fee that collects part of the divorce settlement. Of course, some state law may prevent the cheap divorce lawyer from collecting parts of the settlement, so check state and local law before making such an arrangement.

Be aware of advertising for cheap divorce lawyers as the lawyers may conceal exploitive or hidden fees that are initially of little cost to the client, before mounting fees from contentious cases negate the money saved. Low cost services are also not a good indicator of a quality lawyer and indeed the cheap divorce lawyer may not care to invest as much time or attention into a client’s case.

There are many ways by which an individual may find top divorce lawyers. You may use this website’s search function to find a top divorce lawyer. Additionally, you may use the local Bar Association’s directory to find a divorce lawyer. Although in some states, Bar Association membership is not mandatory, membership is customary for legal professionals. Remember that professional relationships, rather than animosity between lawyers are useful in helping a divorce reach an expedient end. Lawyers with animosity will ultimately hurt the client as neither will be willing to settle, leading to an inevitable and costly battle in court.

It is up to the client to do adequate research on top divorce lawyers. Some may charge exorbitant, but perfectly legal fees so do take advantage of free consultation, if possible, with a lawyer. If you have a dispute with your top divorce lawyer, you may have access to fee dispute services for clients that feel their lawyer has charged them exorbitantly or outside of prearranged fee arrangements. In jurisdiction where bar association membership is not mandatory, you may lack this option. However, if such services are available, do not hesitate to use this service.

When choosing a top divorce lawyer, be sure to check their credentials properly. Top divorce lawyers that members of their Bar Association will usually have high standards of ethics and professionalism to uphold. Unprofessional behavior, such as rudeness to the other party, failure to organize a client’s case or other breaches of common lawyer protocol are just as bad as unethical behavior and should be ground to find another divorce lawyer. Following these steps will ensure that your experience with your lawyer is positive and that you receive the desired redress through settlement or in a court of law.

A lawyer for divorce can guide you through the process necessary to legally separate from a spouse. Lawyers for divorce are necessary in that the legal system can sometimes be complicated for the uninitiated and a lawyer can serve as both your advocate, as well as advisor, in a courtroom or settlement negotiation. Although one may proceed into a divorce case without a lawyer for divorce, the clients will find themselves at a disadvantage against a better prepared and knowledgeable party Finding a divorce lawyer is easy, either using this website’s search function, or through a State Bar Association listing lawyers for divorce.

Lawyers for divorce may charge a flat fee to perform a mutual divorce, where the assets and custody are split equitably and amicably. In all other cases, the client usually has to pay the lawyer for divorce in hourly preparation fees, as well as a retainer account for relevant legal expenses. Lawyer for divorce will bill this account, so if the client is pressed with monetary concerns, the client and lawyer for divorce must work out alternative arrangements. Be sure to seek out free consultations when finding a divorce lawyer, so that you may receive the best options among lawyers for divorce, with favorable fees and a breadth of experience.

When trying to find a divorce lawyer, many individuals will look for a free divorce lawyer. Although the costs of getting a divorce, especially divorces that go to court, one can see the desire for a free divorce lawyer. However, without clients with a pressing financial need, it is difficult, if not impossible to find a divorce lawyer to work for free. If the client truly has financial need and extenuating circumstances that would prevent them from affording a lawyer, then they may be able to find a free divorce lawyer. For all others, the best option to find a divorce lawyer that will not charge excessively is to take advantage of free consultations and work out low cost and extended payment plans that will have the lawyer paid in installments. Additionally for those that would have wanted a free divorce lawyer, settling out of court may be an attractive option that does not promote ballooning retainer fees. Lastly, one should find a divorce lawyer that offers mutual divorce, which would allow the couple to split amicably with a mediated separation of assets and custody. This is typically a flat fee service and is a realistic alternative to finding a free divorce lawyer.

When seeking divorce law lawyers, the State Bar Association is the best place to begin searching, especially is Bar Association membership is mandatory in your state. Try to find divorce lawyers that offer free initial consultations to evaluate your case. This will sometime not be the case with some lawyer referral services, where a consultation and referral fee may be mandatory. Although typical divorce law lawyers rates are suited for lengthy court cases, there are also low cost services available for uncontested divorces and document preparation. Divorcing couples that decide that they cannot afford a lengthy and public divorce battle will choose this option and seek a mediated settlement. Look to find divorce lawyers that offer low cost plans and alternative services so as to minimize costs to the client.

The best divorce law lawyers will have expertise in dealing with divorces in your area but will also be up to date with changing laws and regulations. For instance, there have been recent changes to federal law that allow for no fault divorces. This allows couples to divorce without the burden of having to assign fault and blame on the other spouse. Find divorce lawyers that are aware of new developments and are willing to provide an objective opinion on your case.

Divorcing couples have a number of options when selecting a divorce lawyer attorney. The spouse may seek a lawyer in divorce that specializes in their gender, such as lawyers for men or lawyers for women. These divorce attorney lawyers are especially suited to working on the needs of these clients in regards to spousal support and preservation of assets. Financially burdened couples may opt for a divorce lawyer attorney that offers low cost services so as to avoid expensive legal proceedings that accompany extended court battles.

There are also divorce lawyer attorneys that deal with specific divorces such as military divorces for members of the armed forces and Christian divorce attorneys for those that would ordinarily oppose divorce on religious grounds. These specialized lawyers for divorce will be able to deal with the nuances of divorce law, while remaining sensitive to the client’s needs. As always, general rules when dealing with divorce lawyer attorneys are to get all fees in writing, choose a favorable payment plan, expect fees to mount if the case proceeds to court and always look for alternative dispute resolution, if possible. In this way, divorce will not become a burden and neither party will have to deal with oppressive fees.

A divorce can be one of the most emotional times of your life. A divorce lawyer can often be the voice of reason during this time. There is a lot that must be worked out, including custody of children, alimony, child support, property, and real estate. Without a good lawyer for divorce, you may come out on the losing end.

Divorce lawyers understand that some cases will need to go in front of a judge. However, many divorce lawyers try to get both parties to arbitration to see if things can be worked out amicably. If not, the case will proceed in front of a judge and the judge’s decision is final.

Divorce lawyers have your best interests at heart. They want their clients to get what they deserve when a marriage fails. If you have substantial assets, a divorce lawyer can help protect your right to these assets. Divorce lawyers will file all the paperwork with the court, communicate with the other party’s attorney, and negotiate with the other party on your behalf.

If necessary, a divorce lawyer will also work to find evidence against the party that may be used in court. Adultery is one of the most common reasons why divorce occurs and it can have serious consequences in a divorce. The lawyer for divorce can work with investigators to get evidence to help your case in court. While a divorce lawyer would rather any divorce settled amicably, it’s certainly not always the case. Make sure your divorce lawyer is ready to take the case to court, if needed.

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